grin and bear it


grin and bear it 的定义

  1. Put up good-humoredly with adversity, with good humor, as in It's no fun being sick for the holidays, but you might as well grin and bear it. Also put as grin and abide in the 19th century, this expression became so well known that Sam Walter Foss made a pun on it in his poem, “The Firm of Grin and Barrett”: “Never yet was any panic Scared the firm of Grin and Barrett.”

grin and bear it 近义词

grin and bear it

等同于 approve

grin and bear it

等同于 oblige

grin and bear it

等同于 overlook

grin and bear it

等同于 stick

grin and bear it

等同于 stomach

grin and bear it

等同于 submit

grin and bear it

等同于 take

grin and bear it

等同于 take it

grin and bear it

等同于 adjust

grin and bear it

等同于 countenance

grin and bear it

等同于 endure

grin and bear it

等同于 face the music

grin and bear it

等同于 hang tough

更多grin and bear it例句

  1. As an example of good science-and-society policymaking, the history of fluoride may be more of a cautionary tale.
  2. As this list shows, punishments typically run to a short-ish jail sentence and/or a moderately hefty fine.
  3. Yes, Byrd—dead four-and-a-half years now—was a Kleagle in the Ku Klux Klan.
  4. “If Charleston harbor needs improvement, let the commerce of Charleston bear the burden,” he said.
  5. Then, with a grin, “And we all know how degenerate those people are.”
  6. Many British Ferns evidence a marked tendency to “sport,” and this is a fact which the beginner should always bear in mind.
  7. The bear laughed and joined his companion, and the torpedo thundered away.
  8. This may be done by taking the humming tone and bringing to bear upon it a strong pressure of energy.
  9. The left heel followed like lightning, and the right paw also slipped, letting the bear again fall heavily on the ice below.
  10. The bear watched him narrowly with its wicked little eyes, though it did not see fit to cease its paw-licking.